Monthly Recap: October 2022

2 min readNov 2, 2022


The shipping continues!

Kalao News

Kalao art contest

Kalao turns 1 on November 8th and what better way to celebrate our anniversary than with a friendly art contest for a charitable cause. The topic is, of course, Kalia’s Birthday.


  • Submission deadline: November 2, 2022
  • Voting period: November 3 — November 6, 2022 (2 winners picked by the team, 2 by the community)
  • Winner announcement: November 8, 2022
  • NFT auctions: November 10, 2022
  • Charity donation: November 15, 2022

The proceeds of the auction will be donated to a charity fund supporting children & youth.

👉 Details

English auctions are live

English auctions are available for everyone! To make it easy for creators and sellers, auctions can be scheduled

Artists love auctions and made quick use of the new feature. For example, TapTapKaboom and Ali Ergin.

We also pushed a new homepage update to make auctions more visible so you’ll never miss one!

Kalao V2 updates

Aside from English auctions, the team shipped other features, including:

  • Rarity rankings
  • Updated homepage
  • Notifications

Kalao x SparkWorld

Marketplace Stats

October saw 8 mints, including Ogerz Klan and Pengrafters. Plus, the auctions of the final Doodleverse pieces. The last piece was sold for 100 AVAX via an English auction.

November Outlook

On November 8, we will celebrate our 1 year anniversary. Join us for our anniversary Twitter space on November 8 and charity auction on November 10!

We are also preparing a big update for Kalao Vision, our NFT gallery.

Avalanche Ecosystem Recap

Community Corner

